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A Merry Christmas Carol: Dickens's Holiday Novel In-Person
Join the James V. Brown Library for a presentation on Charles Dickens and his work "A Christmas Carol".
Marley was dead, to begin with. But of course, A Christmas Carol is still very much alive -- after nearly 200 years. Join writer, speaker and avowed Carol devotee Joseph W. Smith to discuss the world's most beloved holiday book. We'll examine Dickens and how he created the novel, along with various symbols, meanings and cool trivia -- plus, of course, a "spirited" debate on which movie version is the best!
Joseph W. Smith III has a MA from New York University in English and American Literature and has many publications such as: "How To Write a Research Paper", "The Best of Doug Smith", and "The Best Movies You Never Saw".
Joe is currently a writer for Webb Weekly, West Branch Life, Northcentralpa.com and more.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Nicole Rader, nrader@jvbrown.edu
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